Starting today, the editor will introduce to you the ten types of pull-ups in PrisonerFitness-The True Power Book. I hope it will be helpful to you. Everyone helps.

Prisoner Fitness-The True Book of Power (Chapter 7, Part 3) (Connotation Parts 1-2 Portal)

Prisoner Fitness - The True Book of Power (Chapter 7, Part 4)

The third style of folding knife pull-ups


You need to be a little higher to practice folding knife pull-ups A bar with a high stool or similar object underneath. Jump up and grab the bar with your arms about shoulder-width apart, using an overhand grip. When training with the barre, the shoulders should always be tightened (see page 107), the arms should not be completely relaxed, and the elbows should be slightly bent. Swing your legs up, place your heels on the high stool in front of the bar, and keep your legs fully straight. The object needs to be high enough, ideally with your feet at exactly the same height as your pelvis when your legs are straight, which is the classic jackknife angle. This is the starting position of the movement (Figure 45). Then gently pull your body up, press down with your straight legs to help complete the movement, and finally raise your chin higher than the bar. This is the ending position of the movement (Figure 46). Pause, then lower your body back to the starting position with full muscle control. Note that each set of exercises should not be "exhausted" so that you can come down safely after the exercise. If you let go of your hands before you stand still, you may fall and get injured.


The jackknife pull-up is a full-range pull-up movement. Because the legs Yan carries some of the body weight and can assist at the bottom of the movement, so the exercise is easier than the standard pull-up

Training Objectives

· Beginner standard: 1 group, 10 times

Intermediate standard: 2 groups, 15 times each

·Upgrade standard: 3 groups, 20 times each

< strong>Steady, steady

The lowest point is the most difficult part of all pull-ups. If you can't do a full-length jackknife pull-up, focus on the upper part of the pull-up first. Amplitude, that is, the arm maintains a certain degree of bending, and gradually increases the range of motion as strength increases.