< u style='color: blue'>BarbellThe back squat is one of the most classic barbell movements. It is practiced by athletes and fitness enthusiasts all over the world

Master a good back squat Lifting techniques can help you gain powerful performance and muscle, and reduce the risk of injury during exercise

When practicing squats, it doesn’t matter how hard you work or how good your training plan is. , technical deficiencies will limit your maximum potential

How to perform the correct barbell squat (high bar position), here are the important skills you need to master

1 .Bar Lift

The first step in a successful barbell squat should begin with the barbell rack. The height of the barbell should be about chest level. A barbell that is too high or too low will force the lifter to put themselves at risk when lowering or re-lifting the heavy barbell.

The next step is to have the barbell on the back In the correct position, pull yourself under the barbell rack and place the barbell tightly against your shoulders and the back of your neck. Lock it by sinking your shoulder blades. The contraction of your upper back muscles will create a "rack" on your back where the barbell should be placed. On the top of this shelf (upper trapezius muscle)

The way to grip the barbell is OK According to their own preferences, some people like to hold it fully, and some people like to hold it half. No matter how you hold it, be sure to keep your wrists neutral and keep the weight securely on your back, ensuring you don’t put too much pressure on your elbows!

Now prepare to enter the bar, block your feet under the barbell, and spread your feet evenly wider than shoulder width. Take a deep breath and jump your core. Stretch your hips and knees at the same time and squat upward

Many people often use the cross-legged stance to lift the barbell. This is fine if the weight is light, but once the barbell is heavy, this method is very dangerous.

We often see many people lifting the barbell without tightening their core. This is also very dangerous. If you do not tighten your core, it means that you have not created the stability of this movement. In this case, your spine will easily be overwhelmed

2. Squat

After lifting the bar correctly, step back slowly for 2-3 seconds Step by step, determine the stance distance for squatting. There will be slight differences in the choice of stance distance. It is recommended to experiment repeatedly to find the most comfortable position for squatting.

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Next, you need to provide three-point stable support for your feet. All three points need to be in contact with the ground, and if done correctly, the sole of the foot forms a complete arch so that the foot remains stable and supports the body like the foundation of a house

The next step is to create torque at the hip joint by slightly externally rotating the hip joint, tightening the hip joint, creating torque at the hip joint, and keeping the knee joint and toes in line

Some coaches will remind students to open their knees. This prompt is very effective for many athletes, especially those with knee buckles, but for another group of people, it may cause them to lose balance. Therefore, this is different from person to person. On the other hand, excessive opening of the knees will cause your center of gravity to shift to the outside of the soles of the feet, resulting in an imbalance of the center of gravity

Next, take another deep breath and lock your core, as if someone is about to punch you in the stomach, then drive your hips, slightly pushing your hips back, and at the same time, move your torso forward, allowing your knees to Also bend at the same time and start to squat down

Note: When performing high bar squats, your hips do not need to sit back too far. This will easily cause your trunk to lean too far forward, causing lower back The pressure is too high and the knee joint is restricted

3. Bottom position< /strong>

In order to obtain effective explosive power and strength when squatting, we must maintain balance and stability at the bottom. This requires us to place our center of gravity in the middle of our feet, squat with the barbell on our shoulders The barbell becomes our center of gravity and goes vertically downward to the center of the soles of the feet. Due to the position of the center of gravity of the high bar squat, our torso will be more upright, and our knee joints will also bend forward more, past the toes, so that Able to squat deep enough

This transfer balances the load between the quadriceps and gluteus maximus. It also requires the trainer to have sufficient ankle flexibility. For this reason, most people do this due to ankle limitations. Unable to perform a better squat

High bar squats usually require you to squat lower than low bar squats. In weightlifting exercises, you often squat to an extremely low position. Therefore, high bar squats Squats can be better translated into weightlifting and CrossFit sports techniques

But not everyone is training to participate in weightlifting competitions, so you don’t need to squat completely to the bottom. It is recommended that everyone can at least squat. Go to the position where your thighs are parallel to the ground

4. Get up

Keep your balance when getting up. Starting from the bottom of the squat, you need to activate your hip and knee joints at the same time, so that Your shoulders and hips rise at the same time

When you stand up, your torso must maintain a stable position. Many trainers usually have back collapse and forward rounding. If you rise without good control, Squat, which puts your lower back at risk and the weight of the barbell will gradually destroy you
