In the last issue, I introduced you to method 1: high-intensity exercise. In this issue, I will introduce you to method 2: using typical exercise methods to strengthen your thighs. In the next issue, I will introduce you to method 3: nutritious diet for building muscle.

Are your thighs too thin? To grow your thigh muscles, increase the intensity of your workouts and gradually increase your strength training over time. Squats, lunges, and leg presses are all great options for strengthening your leg muscles. Eat more calories to fuel your workout and make sure you eat plenty of protein. Read on to learn more about how to make your thighs stronger.

Method 2: Use typical exercise methods to strengthen thighs

1. Do squat training. This is a classic thigh-strengthening exercise that works the hamstrings in your back legs and the quadriceps in your front legs. If it's not in your training routine right now, make it a regular training routine right now. Squats can be performed without weights or made more difficult with a barbell or dumbbells.

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Toes point forward. Don't keep your knees stiff.

If you are using dumbbells, pick them up with both hands and place them in front of your ribs. Squat while maintaining position, placing the dumbbells on your heels, not the balls of your feet.

Bend your knees and tilt your hips back and down, as if you were sitting on a chair, until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then slowly return to a standing position. Repeat this process 15 times in a row, take a break, and then do it 2 more times. Do this 3-5 times a week to build strong thighs.

2. Do lunges training. This is another classic thigh exercise that can be increased with the use of two dumbbells. Lunges also help strengthen your calves. When you do lunges you can do this:

Stand with the dumbbells at your sides.

Take a big step forward with one foot.

As you step forward, bend the knee of the other foot until it is almost touching the ground.

Get up and return to the starting position, then step forward with the other foot first and repeat this exercise.

Repeat this process 15 times in a row, rest for a while, and then do it 2 more times. Do this 3-5 times a week to build strong thighs.