1 Rope crunch

Use the high cable pulley to lead out Y If you don't have a V-shaped rope, use a V-shaped handle, and start with a light weight. Rope crunches are kind of like a basic crunch turned inside out. Take a kneeling position and look down. From the kneeling position, your thighs are perpendicular to the ground, your torso is parallel to the ground, your back is slightly arched, and you hold the ends of the rope above your head with both hands. Keeping your pelvis and lower back still, start to pull the rope down toward the floor and toward your knees until it touches the floor or your knees. Contract at the top for 1-2 seconds, then slowly control the weight back to the starting point, and let your body pass with the weight. Horizontal line, while slightly arching the back, stretching the abs, and stopping.

At this point you can feel the difference from crunches on the floor: the resistance from the rope is constant. While doing crunches on the floor, as the body lifts, the resistance decreases.

Keep your lower back and hips still; the hips are not the fulcrum; the hips are the center point of abdominal muscle movement, just like the shoulders during bicep training; note that using one allows you to repeat 12-15 Do not overdo the weight; too much weight will affect the so-called akimbo muscles (the muscles that connect the spine and thighs); do not arch your back too much.

2 Cable Twist

Feet slightly wider than shoulder height Stand upright with your knees slightly bent next to a low tensioner. With your right shoulder facing the tensioner, pass your left hand across your body from the front and grasp the handle. Place your right hand on top of your left hand and hold it throughout. During the movement, keep your shoulders straight but not locked. By contracting your left oblique muscle, you twist your torso from your waist to the right, pull the handle upwards across your body in an arc, and finally Pull to the highest point, keeping your left arm as straight as possible. Follow the original path back and repeat next time. Complete all the numbers on one sideAfter measuring, do it another time.