Warm weather is an opportunity to prepare your protein with something other than an oven, stovetop, or microwave. Get outside and grill this steak! Topped with blue cheese and bacon, and served on a bed of asparagus, it’s the perfect muscle meal for any backyard barbecue.

    <h4 class="recipe-ingredients__title">Ingredients</h4>
    <ul class="recipe-ingredients__list">
                                <li>3 1/4-inch-thick red onion slices (whole slices, not indivual rings)</li>
                                            <li>6 oz trimmed top round steak</li>
                                            <li>½ lb asparagus spears, washed and trimmed</li>
                                            <li> Olive oil spray: (choose one without propellant, like Gourmè Mist)</li>
                                            <li> Salt and pepper to taste</li>
                                            <li>2 tsp balsamic vinegar</li>
                                            <li>1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil</li>
                                            <li>2 tsp turkey bacon bits, nitrate-free</li>
                                            <li>1 tbsp reduced-fat blue cheese</li>

    <h2 class="block-title"><span>Directions</span></h2>

                            <li>Preheat grill to high. Lightly mist the onion slices, steak, and asparagus on both sides with spray, and season with salt and pepper. Place onion slices side-by-side on grill and cook 3 minutes. Flip onions. Add steak and asparagus. Grill, flipping each item once, until onion is tender, steak reaches desired doneness, and asparagus is crisp yet tender (3–8 minutes)</li>
                                    <li>Meanwhile, mix the balsamic and oil until combined. Place the spears across the center of a dinner plate and top with steak. Separate onion into individual rings and pile them on top. Drizzle balsamic mixture over plate, then sprinkle bacon and cheese evenly on top.</li>

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