Lotus leaf:According to the measurement, lotus leaf contains nuciferine, anthurine, protodermaline, quercetin and nuciferin flavonoid glycosides. Clinical application has proved that obese people often use washed fresh lotus leaves to cook porridge and eat it, and the weight loss effect is significant. Drinking fresh lotus leaves instead of tea in summer and dry lotus leaves instead of tea in winter are both effective.

Tea:Tea can not only relieve greasiness, but also help lose weight, especially drinking stronger tea has a more significant effect. In countries such as Japan and France, "Pu'er tea" produced in Yunnan and "oolong tea" produced in Fujian are especially popular among young women and obese people. Experiments have shown that obese people who drank three cups of "Pu'er tea" every day for a month lowered their blood lipids and lost weight. The French girl called it "scraping oil tea". In Japan, "oolong tea" is called "bodybuilding and weight loss drug".

Vinegar: In recent years, in some European and American countries, obese women and men have become popular in drinking vinegar to lose weight, because vinegar is rich in a variety of amino acids, which can not only eliminate fat in the body, but also It can promote smooth metabolism of sugar and protein. According to relevant foreign information, drinking 15 to 20 ml of high-quality vinegar every day can reduce weight by 2 to 4 kilograms in about a month.

Corn silk: It has diuretic, choleretic, and antihypertensive effects. Use 10 to 15 grams of dried corn silk, add about 250 grams of boiled water, and brew it as tea. It has diuretic and antihypertensive effects. Reduces the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and has the effect of losing weight.