There are two distinct views on steroid use. There are those who strongly oppose steroids, who insist that steroids are an affront to the spirit of sportsmanship - and there are advocates who are the backbone of bodybuilders who will do whatever it takes to build muscle, and steroids are the first choice.

Neutral viewpoints are rare. Even fewer are willing to look at this issue critically. If you are firmly opposed to drugs to increase muscle mass for moral, ethical, medical, or legal reasons, then you can find a lot of arguments to support your opinion. There are many side effects associated with steroid abuse. However, many "anti-steroid" views lack reliable basis. Most people just jump to conclusions out of prejudice and ignorance, and maliciously slander those who try to use steroids. These people usually just know someone who knows someone else whose friend's friend's brother's co-worker's neighbor had his head exploded on steroids.

In fact, the side effects of steroids mainly depend on the dosage and duration of taking them. Unfortunately, it is this that makes some bodybuilders regard the use of drugs as a benign effort, and no one thinks that they are taking them. With overdose, everyone feels they are in control of the situation. It’s “others” who have problems.

To put it simply, steroids are drugs, and completely safe drugs do not exist. We certainly shouldn’t treat it the same as a narcotic, although it is a Schedule II drug but is easily abused. Setting guidelines for safe steroid use is no different than setting the boundaries for safe drinking—it's too unclear and open to be articulated. No one wakes up and suddenly says, "I'm going to be an alcoholic." But millions of people do that every year. The same goes for steroid use. Thousands of men and women claim, "I only do one cycle." Nice try. But once you fall into this magical world, it's hard to resist its temptation and you will naturally continue to use it. The greater the benefits, the greater the temptation, and you will be tempted to break the boundaries you originally set. Once you get used to the feeling of being a superman, it's hard to go back to being a normal person. So it becomes a matter of whether you are willing to accept a problem when it already exists.

For those of you who are ready to take the plunge, the only way to use steroids correctly is to use them in a sensible manner, following certain rules. Again, the qualifiers are blurred by individual tolerance. A little change here, a little there wouldn't make much of a difference, would it? Maybe it would. Maybe not. But only by staying within boundaries can you avoid contraindications.

If there really was a book on safe use of steroids“code", then it should be similar to what is listed below. This quasi-rule can ensure that you get the expected risk-return ratio.

Rule 1: No steroids can be used under the age of 24:

Until the age of 24, your body is in a state of excess testosterone and hormones. If you're still young and can't make progress without drugs, there are a few things you should re-examine - mainly training and supplements. As long as you lay the foundation, you should be able to make progress without using drugs. If it really doesn't work, then using medication won't necessarily make it any better. Steroids have an inhibitory effect on the epiphyseal plates of long bones, so if your height is not fully developed, steroids may hinder your bone growth, not to mention that steroids may also shut down your hormonal system as it matures. Don't destroy your reproductive system at this point, you still need it.

Rule 2: Don’t use steroids until natural methods have been exhausted:

Even after the age of 24, steroids should never be used as a shortcut to success. Otherwise, you will never reach your fullest potential. To understand your abilities, train using natural methods for at least five years. After five years, if you are convinced that you have reached the peak of your genetic ability and can no longer make any progress, then and only then should you consider using steroids.

Rule 3: Be sure to have a comprehensive physical examination, including blood tests:

When legal, moderate use of steroids is generally safe for healthy adults. However, we do not know how a person will react to external substances. Ask your doctor to give you a physical exam to make sure you are not taking unnecessary risks. Most bodybuilders forego this step because it can be difficult to find a doctor who is open-minded and accepting of steroid use. Steroids tax your internal organs, and if you have an underlying problem, taking steroids may worsen it. A blood test after one cycle of use can also help you determine how you are responding to the medication.

Rule 4: Each use period cannot exceed three weeks:

This view may be contrary to traditional thinking, but it is very meaningful. Maximum growth can only occur if the receptors are kept fresh. Why not make full use of this "window of opportunity"? Let's break away from traditional thinking. Generally speaking, you won't get huge spurts of growth due to the short cycle time, but keep in mind that small amounts of growth are easier to maintain. If you gain 30 pounds at a time, you're likely to lose 20 of them. In fact, if you gain that much at once, you're most likely to lose the last 10 pounds, because once you stop taking the drug, your body will "Crash" into a catabolic state. But if every three weeks it grows by 6-7 pounds - this amount is controllable by the body. Additionally, the shorter the cycle, the faster the endocrine system recovers.

Rule 5: Keep dosage to a minimum:

There is a group of self-proclaimed steroid authorities who advocate high doses based on the following considerations: "If you are going to suppress natural testosterone secretion, it is best to use the highest dose possible." This idea sounds like It's logical, but you only have to look at some of the bodybuilding champions from the 1960s and 1970s to see that this view is wrong. Guys like Larry Scott, Don Howarth, Sergio Oliva, Harold Poole, Dave Draper, Frank Zahn, and many, many bodybuilders only take a few Dianabol pills a day. An anabolic steroid) also achieved outstanding growth! At the same time, they did not suffer from the terrible side effects such as impotence, abdominal distension, and swollen nipples that are common among today's professional bodybuilders. This is because they know how to train and how to eat, instead of relying on drugs for everything. It's worth learning.

Rule 6: Avoid the riskiest drugs:

This may sound like nonsense, but you might not realize how often this rule is broken. The reason is usually that only a limited number of drugs are available. But don't let it go! Anadrol, Halotestin, Parabolin (an anabolic steroid), and most testosterone can cause irreversible damage. Although every milligram of steroids has similar effects on muscle cells, some drugs have a lower risk-to-benefit ratio. But even steroids that we think of as mild have side effects. Long-acting Deca-Durabolin has been widely used by bodybuilders, mainly because of its strong anabolic effect and fewer side effects. However, the latest evidence shows that the inhibitory effect of long-acting Durabolin on the HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary axis) is no less than that of taking testosterone directly. It can also lead to "large-breasted" gynecomastia. Winstrol and Anavar are two potent oral steroids that are milder and better than drugs like Dianabol (although Dianabol is thought to be the best for increasing girth). But as with all oral medications, they increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Since both Stanozolol and Anavar come in smaller pill doses, taking 30 pills a day can put a strain on your liver and bank balance.