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List of low GI foods

Low GI food list:

Low GI foods (GI value less than 40)

Staple food: None

Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, eggplant, bitter melon, cucumber, bean sprouts, kelp, white radish, green beans, tomatoes, onions

Fish and meat: None

Milk and eggs: fresh cream, cheese, fresh milk, eggs

Soy products: fried tofu, fried tofu, tofu, edamame, cashew nuts, almonds, peanuts

Fruits: cantaloupe, peach, cherry, tomato, apple, kiwi, orange, papaya, strawberry

Beverages: Sake, black tea, black coffee, original yogurt

Medium GI food (GI value 40-70)

Staple foods: porridge, oats, whole wheat noodles, buckwheat noodles, brown rice, germ rice, brown rice flakes, noodles

Vegetables: GI=50 Burdock Leek, GI=60-70 Pumpkin Corn

Fish: pork, beef, chicken, mutton, bacon, ham, hawthorn, squid, fish, shrimp, oyster

Milk and eggs: None

Soy products: None

Fruits: GI=60 raisins Banana, GI=50 mango, GI=60-70 pineapple

Beverages: red wine, beer, cola, high-sugar-friendly buttermilk, milk coffee

Desserts: GI=50 pudding Jelly, GI=60—70 ice cream

High GI foods (GI value greater than 70)

Staple foods: white rice, fried rice, braised noodles, French bread, bacon, udon, ramen

Vegetables: potatoes, yams, carrots

Fish and meat: Huazhi balls, tribute balls, fish slabs, egg dumplings, sausages, pork tripe, beef tripe

Milk and eggs: None

Soy products: None

Fruit: Strawberry Jam

Desserts: chocolate, donuts, milk candies, potato chips, cakes, muffins, red bean paste, cakes

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Q1. What are the benefits of a low-GI diet to lose weight?

A: Because the cholesterol content in low-GI foods is lower, our risk of hypertension and diabetes is reduced, and the burden on the kidneys is also reduced. What’s more, the low-GI diet slimming method does not call for reducing fat intake, so you don’t have to worry about malnutrition like the low-calorie diet method.

Q2. How to define the low GI value of food?

A: Generally speaking, it is measured based on the effect of carbohydrates in food on the rise and fall of blood sugar. Glucose, sucrose, starch, etc. contain hydrogen, oxygen , carbon substances are the components of carbohydrates. GI values ​​below 60 are low GI, 60-85 are medium levels, and above 85 are high GI.

Q3. What is food GI?

A: "GI" is the abbreviation of Glycemic Iddex, which means "glycemic index". It refers to the ability of different foods to contain the same amount of sugar. The relative ability to raise blood sugar quickly.

Q4. What is the principle of low GI food weight loss method?

A: We can now look at the digestion diagram of a food:

Eat foods with too high GI value --> Blood sugar rises too fast --> Massive secretion of insulin-->Accelerate fat accumulation-->Obesity

Eat low GI value-->nutritional and balanced food-->blood sugar rises slowly- ->Stable insulin secretion-->Slim

If you want to lose weight, follow the three principles of low GI

The first principle of weight loss: stay away from high GI foods.

The second principle of weight loss: consider other factors that affect the GI value of food

< wbr /> A. Foods with higher fiber content have lower GI values ​​because they are not easily digested. Ingesting more of them is good for the body.

< wbr /> B. Processing methods and manufacturing time. The more cooked the food is and the longer the processing time, the easier it is to be digested and the higher the GI value.

< wbr /> C. Food also contains other ingredients. If the food itself has a low GI value but contains other ingredients with a high GI value, it is also not suitable for weight loss.

The third principle of weight loss: Combined with low-calorie, balanced diet.