Variety is the spice of life, but dietary discipline is the key to anyone who is looking for real results. Check out some of these meals to see if they can help spruce up your dishes:
Cheesy Scrambled Eggs and Oats
¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese
3 eggs
4 egg whites
2 scallions, chopped
½ cup rolled oats with 1 small diced apple
1 tsp cinnamon
Creamy Blueberry Smoothie
1∕3 cup cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup blueberries
2 tbsp walnuts
2 tbsp flaxseed meal
Salmon Salad Sandwich
1 pouch salmon
1 slice red onion
1 slice tomato
2 tbsp canola mayonnaise
2 slices sprouted-grain bread
Skirt Steak and Sprouts
8 oz skirt steak rubbed with 1 tsp olive
oil and 3 tbsp cilantro, diced
10 Brussels sprouts, halved, tossed in balsamic vinegar, roasted
50 grams dextrose
25 grams whey protein
2∕3 cup quinoa cooked in 1 1∕2cup/p>
low-sodium chicken broth
3 boneless, skinless chicken thighs marinated in 3 tbsp low-sodium soy
3,100 calories, 232g protein, 243g carbs, 131g fat